An abdominal ultrasound takes pictures of the organs and other structures in your upper belly. The test is painless and safe. It can help find the cause of pain or other problems in your digestive tract, gallbladder, liver, or pancreas. It can also show how well your kidneys are working and check for an aneurysm (bulging area) in the aorta. Your doctor may also use an ultrasound to help prepare for surgery to drain fluid from a cyst or abscess or to remove a biopsy sample. URL
An ultrasound scan is usually done on an outpatient basis, meaning you go home the same day. Depending on your condition, your healthcare provider may ask you to fast for 8 to 12 hours before the test. This helps prevent gas buildup that might interfere with the accuracy of the results.
Before the test, a trained care provider will put a clear, water-based gel on your abdomen. The gel helps the ultrasound device glide easily over your skin.
Inside the Waves: Understanding the Role and Importance of Abdominal Ultrasound
A small handheld device called a transducer is then moved over your stomach. As the transducer is moved, a computer creates images of the underlying tissues on a video monitor. The sonographer may need to move the transducer around your belly to get good views of all areas.
Ultrasounds are often used to evaluate a painful condition called pyloric dilation (PDD). This happens when your stomach is abnormally swollen beyond what is normal for your frame. The swollen stomach makes it hard to eat and can cause weight loss. PDD can be caused by an infection, inflammation, or problems with the stomach lining and organs such as the gallbladder, pancreas, or kidneys.